About Sarah Hawthorne

Sarah Hawthorne, Holistic Health Coach
Sarah Hawthorne, Holistic Health Coach

Good health is your greatest wealth. Without it, you can’t fully enjoy and make the most of your life.

Sarah has been a Certified Health Coach in the Bay Area for almost 10 years. She currently leads the Curb Your Cravings Program for Happy Belly Health. She is a mother and environmental advocate. Sarah’s approach to wellness is holistic and personalized focussing on daily acts of self-care. She gets to the root cause of symptoms and imbalances by maximizing what the body needs to function optimally, minimizing the things that deplete vitality, and prioritizing sustainable lifestyle choices. Her specialty involves helping people to eat for energy and natural weight loss. Allow Sarah to educate inspire, guide, and support you all the way to achieving your unique health goals.

Learn more about your Happy Belly Health® Initial Consultation today!

Client experiences working with Sarah:

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