Living on Purpose: The Whole Health Cairn

What is The Whole Health Cairn?

The Whole Health Cairn is a model developed by Dr. Lissa Rankin to help us honor and assess all the key components to wellness. It also helps to reinforce that the body is typically, actually a mirror of the strength and balance (or lack thereof) in our lives.

For each of the rocks below, color each one to the extent that you feel satisfied and peaceful with that area of your life right now. Remember, this is about assessing honestly your personal satisfaction, not others’ judgment or standards and not a gauge of whether these areas are perfect or optimal.

When there is instability in the foundational rocks below, the body (our physical health) is nearly always the first thing to become unstable and start to wobble. We can learn to bless symptoms in the body as blessed communication, a loving, wake-up call about our need to prioritize addressing something below. But if we want things to get better, we have to be willing to make change. Even small steps are powerful!

If you would like some customized support to delve deeper into your health and nutrition, let’s chat.

© Purpose Inc., The School of Applied Functional MedicineTM

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