Dig Deep: Give Up the Dairy

Dairy: A Love-Hate Relationship

Dairy is a tough one for a lot of people. We love it, but it doesn’t always love us back.

Common Issues with Dairy

  • Constipation: Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and ice cream are often “binding” foods, leading to constipation in many people.
  • Food Sensitivity: Dairy is one of the top culprits for food sensitivities, affecting 75% of the world’s population who struggle to digest it properly.

Scientific Insight

In 1998, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study highlighting the impact of dairy on constipation. The study concluded that, for severely constipated children, eliminating cow’s milk from their diet was more effective than using the strongest laxatives.

What You Can Do

If you’re experiencing digestive issues, try eliminating dairy completely for at least two weeks. Observe how your stool improves during this period.

Do You Chew?


With everything you eat, chew your food well. Digestion starts in the mouth. When you chew, two things happen:

  1. The food gets broken up into much smaller particles.

  2. Digestive enzymes in saliva start to break starches into simple sugars that are easier for your gut to digest.

Want more customized help? Let’s chat


“Shanti has helped me re-define my diet in a way that is completely manageable without feeling at all deprived. Not only have I lost weight, but my energy levels have increased both physically and mentally.” — Gina G.

Want more customized help?

Digestion issues are complicated and can be influenced by many factors. If you’re frustrated with your “normal” constipation and want to get things back on track, Happy Belly Health can help. The best way to get started is with an initial consultation.

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