Balanced Coaching: Rules + Intuition

In the last blog in this series, we talked about how we balance structure with flexibility when working with clients to help them meet their health goals. We also know that it’s important to create systems that work for clients without clinging to a “one size fits all” mentality about your very personal, individual health. Using systems and methods that work, we keep things simple and organized for you so that you can integrate new eating habits into your lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.


There are certain truths about nutrition that we encourage most of our clients to adhere to: For instance, eating less processed foods. We also make recommendations based on your unique body and lifestyle. Paleo or vegan isn’t for everyone. We can help you figure out which rules apply to you and how best to follow them.


We strongly believe in the intuitive aspect of the investigative process. We’ll teach you to tune in and listen to your body in order to figure out what needs to change for you and how to create the right environment for healing to happen. If given the right tools, the body is powerful at healing itself.

Our approach is very individualized within any of our programs. We help you create lasting lifestyle changes that work even when you’re very busy, under stress, or traveling—even over the holidays!

We often recommend starting with an Initial Consultation so we can assess the program or level of working together that’s ideal for you right now — not just in terms of your health needs and goals but your timeline and budget.

Schedule an Initial Consultation Today

“Less pain and stiffness from arthritis. Much more energy! Better mood in general. Less bloating! I feel like I’m shrinking and my clothes are fitting better.” – M.A. – California

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