How To Track Your Symptoms And Eat For Health

track your symptoms and eat for health How to Eat for Health Tracking what you eat, when you poop, and how you feel can help you eat for health. The tracking will help you determine if the foods you eat are working for you, if you’re eating enough or in

Eating Hygiene Fundamentals

Have you heard of Eating Hygiene?  Gas, bloating, distention, overly full after a meal, belching, mild reflux…. Not fun. Some of our clients do indeed have major GI dysfunction which requires in-depth intervention. In many cases, however, our clients find MAJOR relief by simply adopting a few principles of what

How Dehydration Affects the Body

The body needs both water and electrolytes to function properly, and intracellular hydration depends on these charged minerals (e.g. sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium) to regulate the flow of water across cell membranes. Together, Potassium (intracellular electrolyte) and sodium (extracellular electrolyte) regulate the osmotic balance of fluid in the body.

How to Eliminate Dairy From Your Diet

Wondering how to eliminate dairy from your diet? Be sure to consider obvious sources (e.g. milk) as well as hidden, common sources where you will need to read food labels. The following is a list of things to avoid completely: Though commonly confused with dairy foods, the following are fine

Bowel Transit Time Test

It can take on average between 12 and 72 hours for food to travel from the beginning of the digestive system to the end. This is called bowel transit time. Ideally bowel movements occur daily, with an optimal transit time of between 18 and 24 hours. Too short a transit

Assessing Stool Quality

Poop talk can be an uncomfortable conversation, but is a great window on the health of the body! Consider the following when assessing your stool to discuss with your practitioner. Color Medium/dark brown: typically reflects food that has been broken down well Green: possible low stomach acid; lots of green

Anti­-Yeast Elimination

To help calm your immune system and eliminate yeast overgrowth in the GI tract, we need to eliminate the following foods (which feed & can drive overgrowth of yeast species in the gut): Because yeast are so effective at making us crave what they wish to eat, you can expect

Emotional Eating Reset Guide

What would it be like to never make another New Year’s Resolution about weight loss? Or truly understand your emotional eating habits? Once you truly understand the root cause of your struggles with diets and weight, you can be free. Discover how to finally end the struggle with weight and

Improving Digestion: Digestion Health Resources

Ultimately, eating well will only get us so far. Digesting all that good food is even more critical. You are not digesting your food well if you have gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or combinations of some or all of these.  In my 13 years of experience, this problem doesn’t fix

Happy Belly Health Weight Loss Resources

There are an overwhelming amount of weight loss resources out there. Most are quick fixes with temporary results. But what people really want is a long-term solution. Long-term weight loss happens when we are ready to fundamentally change how we react in the world, what we prioritize, and how we

Your Road to Optimal Health Begins Here

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