Eat Less, Play More: Keep Yourself Occupied to Reduce Cravings

Remember when you were a child and you got so wrapped up in playing, imagining or creating that you didn’t want to stop when it was time to eat? Do you remember leaving your meal half-finished to run off and continue playing? Children innately understand that food is secondary to

Sweet Potatoes with Lime and Cilantro

1. Wash the sweet potatoes and bake them whole, in their skins, at 375 degrees until tender, about 40 minutes.2. Wash and chop cilantro leaves.3. When sweet potatoes are done, slit open the skin and place on serving plate. Season with salt and dots of butter or a sprinkle of

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are on everyone’s mind during the holiday season. They seem to go hand in hand with the holidays, and fortunately, eating these and other sweet vegetables needn’t be limited to this time of year. There are many health benefits of sweet potatoes too! Cravings for sweets can be

Beautiful Body Types: Learning to Love Yourself

Learning to love yourself is a process. Almost all of us have a distorted image of our bodies, often due to the importance our culture places on outward appearance and the onslaught of media images of airbrushed models and celebrities. On a daily basis, we talk to ourselves in ways

Delicious Avocado Dip

1. Mash avocado with a fork until very smooth.2. Add yogurt, tomato, cayenne. Blend until smooth. This may be done in a food processor, in a blender or with a fork.3. Add sea salt and fresh black pepper to taste.4. Serve chilled with mixed raw vegetables. Note: Best made a

Savory Tahini Sauce 

1. In a bowl briskly whisk together the tahini and water until combined. It will look separated at first: just keep whisking!2. Add remaining ingredients and whisk until combined. 3. Adjust flavors to your taste. Add additional water if you want it thinner.4. Serve over grains and greens. Note: Tahini sauce

Importance of Healthy Oils and Fats in our Diets

Not all oils and fats are created equal. Heavily processed, hydrogenated, “trans” fats and oils that are used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body. However, healthy oils and fats from whole foods and other high-quality sources can steady our metabolism, keep hormone levels even, nourish

How to Slow Down and Be More Mindful

Who doesn’t feel as if there aren’t enough hours in the day? We rush through the day, running here and there, and end up exhausted. Somehow these days full of duties, obligations and busyness have begun to build up and become our lives. We spend our time doing things we

Roasted Root Vegetables

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.2. Wash and chop all vegetables into large bite-sized pieces.3. Place in a large baking dish with sides. 4. Drizzle with olive oil; mix well to coat each vegetable lightly with oil.5. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs.6. Bake uncovered for 25-35 minutes until vegetables are

Health Benefits of Root Vegetables

The roots of any plant are its anchor and foundation; they are the essential parts that support and nourish the plant. Root vegetables lend these properties to us when we eat them, making us feel physically and mentally grounded and rooted, increasing our stability, stamina and endurance. There are so

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